na INLIS000000000009674 20211117021405 0010-0721004933 211117 g 0 eng General, Organic, and Biochemistry Denniston, Katherine J. VI NEW YORK : McGRAW-HILL, 2008 912 hlm. ; 28 cm. 978-0-07-351110-8 R.574.192 DEN g General, Organic,and Biochemistry Endorsed by Little League Baseball° and a favorite amongcoaches and parents, Little League Drills and Strategies is built around three easy-to-follow rules: (i) teach the basics, (z) keep it fun, and (3) practice, practice, practice. Following these simple yet successful tenets, author Ned McIntosh has packed this book with imaginative drills that you can use to help your players strengthen their baseball skills.These innovative exercises and minigames will keep practice fun for your players while they sharpen their abilities on the field. Accompanied by engaging instructional photographs, this authoritative resource features drills that will teach all of the fundamentals. R.574.192 Biokimia 12348 050256